Celebrating All Dads

1st September, 2024, Australia


When there’s a new baby in the house, Mum and bub often get the most attention and it’s sometimes hard to remember that there’s a new dad in the house as well.

Bub’s get showered with gifts to welcome them into the world. Mum’s who, let’s face it, they do all the hard work of carrying and delivering a baby, get lots of attention too. But what about dads? An affectionate slap on the back, a quick hug from family and a congratulations or three and they are generally relegated to the background whilst we all coo over the baby and make sure mum is doing well.

It is important that we celebrate dads too!

Some Wee Facts

Whilst Father’s Day is celebrated on different days throughout the world, in Australia it is always the first Sunday in September! 

The celebration of fathers goes back to the Middle Ages and originated in the Catholic religion to celebrate Joseph, the putative father of Jesus Christ. However, it did not become a popular and world-wide celebration until the 20th century. Whilst the origins may be religious, the importance of recognising dads and their influence on our lives is far more important than we realise.

Honouring the Dad

As we honour our mothers and their place in our world, we celebrate Fathers Day to acknowledge and honour the contribution of fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers and even uncles and big brothers. It is a celebration of the paternal bonds of male parents towards their family and society. The day is meant to recognise and remember the endless efforts, initiatives and contributions of all the fathers around us. 

Fathers teach our children skills that we sometimes don’t have, they help shape the child’s identity and are vital for a well-rounded, fully developed child. The benefits of a father who is actively involved in their child’s life also shows in increased self-confidence, and the child’s ability to have strong relationships later in life. Things we all want for our child/ren!

We have found an amazing article that we would like to share and we’d love some feedback on the special dad in your life – just post us a pic and your story, and we will share on our Fathers page! 

Happy reading!
